A moment of realization could be about a relationship, a job, a friendship, or an internal battle within yourself – so many have this instance yet so few actually act on it. But why? Each person’s situation is different, but I’ll tell you how I see it.
Here’s a random but common scenario; You’ve been an employee but you have a boss mentality and start to feel stifled, no matter where you work. You know you have bills, don’t know what else to do to make money, but you know you aren’t happy where you are in life, even if you’re already making great money. You take a step back and reflect, then BOOM! You realize that hobby, or that passion that you have for something in particular can actually bring income – a good income. But it’s going to take some time to generate and you have bills NOW so you say “Fuck that. I’ll keep working for people as opposed to walking in my purpose.”
That’s that fear right there and so many of us struggle with it. But to me, the concept of fear is a means of control, and the more I come to understand that, the more I start to realize how much I’ve allowed it to affect my life decisions. I mean there’s an entire billion – no fuck the billion – TRILLION dollar industry making money off of fear alone and you know what it’s called? INSURANCE! I mean think about it. Insurance is based on FEAR! Get that car insurance in case you get into a car accident. And if you never do, you’re not getting that money back but – just in case. Get that health insurance so that you don’t have to fear being turned away by doctors/hospitals, or not being able to afford care. If you don’t have any medical issues for the year, you’re not getting that money back but again – just in case. And I don’t even have to get into the political climate of today where EVERYTHING is fear-based in order to control the masses.
While I can’t change the ways of society, I can change my mindset which is not to fear myself and my abilities. I’m working on fearlessly taking that leap of faith when it comes to walking in my truth. Fear is powerful but don’t let it overpower you. It’s a process, but you’ll get there!